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Welcome to The Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, one of the largest sections in the Institute.


Nomination Deadline Extended for the 2024 Irvin Glassman Early Career Investigator Award

December 15, 2023

The deadline for nominations for the 2024 Irvin Glassman Early Career Investigator Award and Lecture has been extended to January 19, 2024.  Please see the updated call for nominations below:

Nominations for the 2024 Irvin Glassman Early Career Investigator Award and Lecture are requested by January 19, 2024 for the 2024 Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute to be held March 10-13, 2024 at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA.  Additional information on the Glassman award is available on the awards page.

At the time of the nomination due date, nominees must be an early-career investigator within ten years of their Ph.D. and, for tenure-track faculty appointments, the nominee must be untenured at the time of nomination. Nominations and/or self-nominations should consist of (1) a nomination letter; (2) a CV for the nominee, including a list of publications; (3) a one-page summary of the nominee’s significant contributions; (4) a one-paragraph summary of each of the nominee’s three most significant publications; and (5) copies of the three most significant publications.  The nominee should be affiliated with an institution in the Eastern States Section at the time of the nomination.  Any extensions to the ten-year eligibility window to be considered in the case of family leaves, medical leaves, and/or active military service should be noted as a footnote to the Ph.D. conferral date listed on the nominee’s CV. Extensions for other special circumstances may also be requested by email and considered by the committee on a case-by-case basis.

The awardee will receive waived registration, a travel award of up to $1000 to attend the ESSCI meeting, and a $500 honorarium to give the Irvin Glassman Lecture as one of the plenary talks or invited topical talks.

Please send nominations no later than January 19, 2024 to the chair of the awards committee: Michael Burke (

Call for Nominations for the 2024 Irvin Glassman Early Career Investigator Award

October 26, 2023

Nominations for the 2024 Irvin Glassman Early Career Investigator Award and Lecture are requested by December 15, 2023 for the 2024 Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute to be held March 10-13, 2024 at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA.  Additional information on the Glassman award is available on the awards page.

At the time of the nomination due date, nominees must be an early-career investigator within ten years of their Ph.D. and, for tenure-track faculty appointments, the nominee must be untenured at the time of nomination. Nominations and/or self-nominations should consist of (1) a nomination letter; (2) a CV for the nominee, including a list of publications; (3) a one-page summary of the nominee’s significant contributions; (4) a one-paragraph summary of each of the nominee’s three most significant publications; and (5) copies of the three most significant publications.  The nominee should be affiliated with an institution in the Eastern States Section at the time of the nomination.  Any extensions to the ten-year eligibility window to be considered in the case of family leaves, medical leaves, and/or active military service should be noted as a footnote to the Ph.D. conferral date listed on the nominee’s CV. Extensions for other special circumstances may also be requested by email and considered by the committee on a case-by-case basis.

The awardee will receive waived registration, a travel award of up to $1000 to attend the ESSCI meeting, and a $500 honorarium to give the Irvin Glassman Lecture as one of the plenary talks or invited topical talks.

Please send nominations no later than December 15, 2023 to the chair of the awards committee: Michael Burke (

Awards announced at 2023 National Meeting

February 14, 2023

Two awards will be presented at the US National Meeting in March 2023, from presentations and papers at the 2022 ESSCI Technical Meeting.

The 2022 Fenimore Best Student Presentation was Haripriya Rajagopalan from Georgia Tech (Advisor: Timothy C. Lieuwen) for the presentation "NOx production from hydrogen-methane blends"

The 2022 Markstein Best Paper Award went to Justin Tavares, Elijah Levi, Vyaas Gururajan, and Jagannath Jayachandran from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Argonne National Laboratory for their paper "Radiation effects in hydrofluorocarbon/air flames: Analysis and modeling"

Awards announced at the 2022 Spring Meeting

March 7, 2022

Three awards were announced at the ESSCI Technical Meeting in March 2022.

The 2022 Irving Glassman Young Investigator was Brandon Rotavera from University of Georgia. His lecture was titled "The Importance of Reaction Mechanisms in Combustion"

The 2020 Fenimore Best Student Presentation was Joseph Squeo from UConn (Advisor: Xinyu Zhao) for the presentation  "A Data Based Approach for Soot Prediction in a Laminar Diffusion Flame"

The 2020 Markstein Best Paper Award went to S.S. Dammati, Y. Kozak, C. Rising, J. Reyes, K. Ahmed, A. Poludnenko from Uconn, UCF and TA&MU for their paper "Numerical Investigation of the Accuracy of Particle Image Velocimetry Technique in High-Speed Turbulent Flows"

Call for Nominations for the 2022 Irvin Glassman Young Investigator Award

October 7, 2021

Nominations for the 7th Irvin Glassman Young Investigator Award and Lecture are requested by November 18, 2021 for the 2022 Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute to be held March 6-9, 2022.

2022 Spring Technical Meeting Announced

May 26, 2021

The next ESSCI Spring Technical Meeting is scheduled for March 7-9, 2022 and be hosted by the University of Central Florida in Orlando.

Organizing team: led by Prof. Subith Vasu, Prof. Kareem Ahmed, Prof. Jayanta Kapat, Prof. Artem Masunov, and Dr. Anthony Terracciano. 

While the hosting team is really excited to be able to welcome you back in person for this event, contingency plans are being developed to offer an hybrid format if the situation warrants it. Stay tuned for more details to be posted soon. If you are interested in hosting future meetings, please contact Paul Papas (

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